Week 95 – Guidelines: Early Generation Seeds Investment Plan Guide
Authors: USAID, AfricaLead, 2016
Keywords: guidance; quality seeds; early generation seeds
This EGS Investment Plan Guide document was developed as a resource to provide practical assistance to in-country stakeholders who want to present a case, and provide specific language and budget proposals, for greater government funding of those EGS functions that are likely to be funded only by the public sector. In Africa, the vehicle to make that case and seek that funding at the country level is through the five-year Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program/African Union (CAADP/AU) sanctioned NAFSIP, as well as a new instrument under development, the CAAPD country spending plan. The purpose of this guide is to assist stakeholders make a case for, and provide specific documentation and elements for inclusion in, a NAFSIP line item or component to support appropriate public-sector EGS functions.