The harvest is in the seed

There are numerous quality information materials about seed sector sustainable development available out there. This wealth of knowledge addresses the entire array of the seed value chain. It can be used to strengthen the capacity along all steps of the seed value chain, for a more coordinated and effective seed sector development.

Every week, we highlight a specific initiative that is working towards strengthening knowledge about the seed sector in Africa via the publication of training material, guidelines, policy briefs, frameworks, datasets, videos, etc. The improved visibility of these initiatives will contribute to increase seed security, thus boosting the foundation of food security and livelihoods of Africa.

Support capacity development in the seed sector by sharing these resources!

09 Jun 2022
© 1996-2022 MDPI

Week 55 – Research results: Climate Change and Seed System Interventions Impact on Food Security and Incomes in East Africa

Authors: Gloria Otieno, Robert John O Ogola, Tobias Recha, Jemal Nurhisen Mohammed and Carlo Fadda
Topics: seed sector development; food security; local seed systems

From the Seeds for Needs Initiative works with farmers to diversify local seed systems. This paper evaluates the impact on farm household production, sales, income, consumption and seed storage in Kenya & Uganda.


02 Jun 2022
© Geoff Tansey blog

Week 54: Audio interview: New approaches needed to address biodiversity loss and seed systems argues Dr Selim Louafi

Author: Selim Louafi; Geoff Tansey
Topics: integrated seed system development; biodiversity

A new approach that goes beyond the narrowly scientific is needed to both work with farmers on their seed systems and address biodiversity loss, argues Dr Sélim Louafi, deputy director for Research and Strategy at CIRAD (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development).READ MORE

27 May 2022
© Food Systems Academy

Week 53 – Video: Seeds of contention, control or diversity?

Author: Geoff Tansey
Topics: seed system development; governance

This talk discusses briefly the changing global rules on biodiversity, plant genetic resources and intellectual property and their impact on the future control of food.

Click on the following link to access the content:

20 May 2022
© 2019 Bioversity International

Week 52: Publication: A Resilient Seed Systems Handbook to support farmers adapt to climate change

Authors: Ronnie Vernooy and Evelyn Clancy
Topics: seed system development; resilience; capacity development

Developed by a multidisciplinary team of Bioversity International researchers and research partners, the Resilient Seed Systems Handbook Second Edition is a tool to enhance the access and use of crop diversity to adapt to climate change.READ MORE

04 May 2022
International Potato Center (CIP)

Week 51: YouTube Channel – International Potato Center (CIP)

Authors: International Potato Center (CIP)
Topics: seed system development; smallholder farmers

The International Potato Center (CIP) was founded in 1971 as a research-for-development organization with a focus on potato, sweetpotato and andean roots and tubers. It delivers innovative science-based solutions to enhance access to affordable nutritious food, foster inclusive sustainable business and employment growth, and drive the climate resilience of root and tuber agri-food systems. Headquartered in Lima, Peru, CIP has a research presence in more than 20 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.READ MORE

27 Apr 2022
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Week 50: Research study: Impact of seed system interventions on food and nutrition security in low- and middle-income countries

Authors: Deborah Nabuuma; Christine Reimersa; Ky The Hoang; TjeerdJan Stomph; Kees Swaans; Jessica E. Raneri; Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT; Institute for Food and Health, Technical University Munich; Centre for Crop Systems Analysis, Wageningen University; Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia; Department of Food Technology, Safety and Health, Ghent University
Topics: seed system development; smallholder farmers; nutrition; gender

The role of seed systems in nutrition of smallholder farmers has received little attention. READ MORE

19 Apr 2022

Week 49 – Research Project: The Seed Systems Development programme

Authors: The Dutch Research Council (NWO), CGIAR
Topics: seed system development; Africa

The Seed Systems Development programme is one of four instruments in the Netherlands (NL) – CGIAR research programme. The aim of the call for proposals ‘Enabling and Scaling Genetic Improvement and Propagation Materials’ was to generate insights that contribute to improving seed systems (including both plant and animal seed stock) in Asia and sub-Sahara Africa.


13 Apr 2022

Week 48 – Working Paper: Decentralized Seed Services in Africa: An Assessment of Tanzania and Uganda

Authors: Christian Borgemeister, Joachim von Braun, Manfred Denich, Till Stellmacher and Eva Youkhana (Eds), 2021
Topics: seed system development; Tanzania; Uganda; integrated seed systems

The overall goal of decentralizing seed services is to increase the availability and accessibility of quality seed to farmers. The governments of Uganda and Tanzania have endeavoured to enhance access to improved seed for smallholder farmers. These efforts have achieved results and encountered challenges.READ MORE

30 Mar 2022

Week 46 – Workplan: FeedTheFuture FY22 Annual work plan

Author: USAID & CRS, 2021
Topics: seed systems; capacity development; inclusion

The Feed the Future Global Supporting Seed Systems for Development activity (S34D) is a five year Leader with Associates Cooperative Agreement Award, funded by Feed the Future through the Bureau of Resilience and Food Security (RFS) and by USAID through the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA). READ MORE