The harvest is in the seed

Position Paper on Inclusive Seed Sector Development

Inclusive seed sector development in Africa is crucial for sustainable agriculture transformation. To guide the efforts towards a more inclusive development of the seed sector in Africa, AfricaSeeds has developed a position paper. The paper aims at serving as a strategic framework to address the diverse needs of smallholder farmers and promote food security across the continent. Africa's agricultural sector is characterized by small-scale farming, which supports the livelihoods of millions of people. Seed sector development has to take into account these aspects in a more systematic way; this position paper can provide clear guidelines to ensure that seed systems are inclusive, accessible, and resilient, thereby empowering smallholder farmers with improved seed varieties that are adaptable to local climates and resistant to pests and diseases.

This position paper can also serve as a tool for advocacy and coordination among various stakeholders, including governments, research institutions, non-governmental organizations, and private sector entities. By outlining a common vision, the paper can guide policy-making, investment, and collaboration efforts, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently and effectively. This coordinated approach is essential for catalyzing transformative change in Africa's agriculture sector, contributing to economic growth, poverty reduction, and environmental sustainability.