Author: Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), 2007
Subjects: radio, communication, seed systems

Radio remains, despite the rise of new information technologies, one of the most important communication tools in many rural communities.

The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) started supporting rural radio in 1991. Since then, each year a series of rural radio packs has been produced. Each pack concerns a specific subject, from crop storage to small ruminants, including cassava and soil fertility. The choice of subjects depends on the suggestions of our CTA partners. 51 packs are available. Each pack includes radio material on the relevant topic, interviews on tape or CD, a transcript of the interviews and an introductory package for the presenter, additional documents and a questionnaire for users to collect their comments.

This pack is about seed systems and represents an important resource for rural radio stations wishing to disseminate information on the seed sector.

Click on the following link to access the document: