Author: Bhramar Dey, Catholic Relief Services & Bert Visser, Oxfam’s SD=HS., 2020
Topics: quality seeds; case study; farmers’ seed systems; conservation

Farmers have always played a key role in seed production, varietal maintenance and serving local and regional communities with agroecologically adapted varieties that are demanded by smallholder farmers. Increasingly, smallholder farmers have organized themselves in various ways to produce seed for local markets. However, the operational efficiencies, structure and management of these seed-producer groups across countries have not been examined in a systematic manner. Catholic Relief Services under Supporting Seed Systems for Development (S34D) and Oxfam Novib under SD=HS jointly conducted a study to fill in that gap. It drew on cases from 25 seed-producer groups across five countries — Vietnam, Uganda, Zambia, Niger and Guatemala — spanning three continents (Asia, Africa and Central America) and nine crops (rice, potato, sweet potato, common bean, cowpea, pearl millet, soybean, groundnut, maize and sorghum).

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