Author: Catholic Relief Services, 2021
Topics: seed systems; resilience; emergency; SSA; integrated development

The Feed the Future Global Supporting Seed Systems for Development activity (S34D) is a five-year Leader with Associates (LWA) award, funded by Feed the Future through the Bureau for Resilience and Food Security (RFS) and by USAID through the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA).

S34D was created to enhance farmers’ access to a full range of seed choices and options to maximize their responsive decision making and planning for production. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and its partners implement S34D in target trade corridors to promote resilient, nutritious, productive and profitable seed systems. S34D seeks to improve the functioning of formal and informal seed systems and emergency, humanitarian aid and resilience seed programming in Feed the Future target and aligned countries with economic growth, resilience and emergency seed security programs.

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